Nuggets on True Love

True Love is not just when you

# keep gazing into each other’s eyes, but also when you keep staring at your lover even though she/he is not noticing.

# hug your lover as soon as you meet, but also when you feel shy in presence of crowd and all you can do is a lame handshake or hold a finger.

# feel jealous because your lover is spending time with a friend, but also when you have blind trust on the faithfulness of the person.

# see your lover smiling, but also when you intentionally act silly to make her/him laugh.

# share soft romantic moments, but also when you do creepy things in order to get gentle rebuking from your better half.

# get angry at your partner because of a mistake committed, but also when you stand right beside her/him even though you know she/he is wrong and later gently convey the flaw.

# keep holding on to a person, but also when you let go.

# express your heart filled desires, but also when you can’t convey your feelings and the grasp of hand or a look into the eyes says it all.

In short, Love is true when Feelings are pure.

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